August 29, 2009

31 weeks pregnant today!

We are officially 31 weeks pregnant. A pretty uneventful night last night. When I was pregnant with Tessa I was always under the impression that once my water broke that the baby needed to be delivered within 48 hours. Because I am so early this changes that fact. At this point I will not be induced because the risk of prematurity outweighs the risk of infection. The chance of infection will be greater because the membranes are ruptured but the lungs having a chance to develop for a longer period of time while the baby is still in the womb is much more important now. My belly seems like it's grown since we got here on Wednesday. I'll be having an ultrasound on Monday where they will be able to figure out the weight of our little munchkin. We just keep hoping for more time and loving each minute that goes by just knowing how the baby needs time.

It's been a busy time trying to figure out who is supposed to be where at what time with Tessa. So far I've been lucky that I haven't had to be here alone yet. Derek stayed for the first two nights and mom stayed last night. We've had a few visitors throughout the day which definitely will help time pass by.

Tessa girl is thinking this is a party. She's been in once since we got here on Wednesday. I can't wait to see her again. She was very intrigued by my IV and loved our wheelchair ride. "Daddy go faster!" All of the nurses heard her coming and going...never a dull entrance for this girl! It's so hard to not be with her while at the same time I know that she is being well taken care of. It's working out really well for us that Jess and Beau are living with my parents while they are building. Tessa just joins right in with the house full of seven. Tessa is spending a lot of time at Grandpa and Grandma's being silly, sassy, and loving playing with her cousins (and of course Jess, Beau, Grandpa, and Grandma too!!). Can't wait to get home and begin our new life with the four of us.

Keep your fingers crossed for a bit more time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pertzborns! I'm so happy that you (Emily) decided to start this. It's hard for us to be so far away & not be there to visit. The updates will be much appreciated. We'll continue to pray that Baby P stays put & there are many more prego posts to come!! xoxo The Browns xoxo
