August 31, 2009

31 weeks and 2 days pregnant!!

We made it another night! Last night I had a few contractions but after only a short while they subsided. So again a pretty uneventful night. Vitals continue to be where they should be and baby's heartbeat is perfectly strong. We woke up this morning hoping to find out right away what time the ultrasound was at but they were not able to tell us when it would be. Around 9:00am my nurse told us that at some point today someone would be coming to take me up to radiology for the u/s. As soon as she walked out someone else walked in the room saying they were here to pick me up to take me upstairs. It's such a different world way to plan what is happening at what time. Derek wasn't able to get here in time but Jess was still here with me. We spent about 1/2 hour getting the ultrasound. One of the first presses on my belly showed the baby's face. It appeared to have chunky cheeks!! Let's hope there are a lot of chunks on those cheeks!! It was so fun to see the baby moving around. At one point it even looked like the baby was waving at us. "Hi mommy, see you in a few weeks!" Hopefully that is what that wave meant! They of course were not able to give us any information about what they were seeing but they made a few comments that seemed encouraging.

The resident just came in to give us a brief overview of the u/s. The doctor will be stopping in later today to discuss it more thoroughly but she said she wanted to stop in to let us know the general overview. The amniotic fluid is low but not overly concerning. Everything else looked exactly how it should at this point. The weight that are guessing is around 3 pounds 10 ounces. Of course it's a guess and I keep hoping that they are guessing too low! A few more days will mean a few more ounces. That would be so exciting! Hopefully I'm just hanging out here for quite some time!

Don't all come running at once...but the verdict is that Jess thought the air mattress was pretty comfy last night!! The schedule is all set to babysit me for the week! :) I'm kind of like a kid and scared to be alone at night. Derek will be here tonight before he starts his first day of school tomorrow. Mom and Jess joining me for the rest of the week taking turns on the mattress. Such a great support system is going to make this 1000 time less stressful...I'm so lucky!

Hopefully another uneventful post tomorrow...and the day after...and the day after!

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