August 5, 2011

Tessa's first Brewer game

Thank you again M and C for the awesome brewers tickets. Last Monday Derek, Tessa, and I spent all afternoon in Milwaukee visiting with Cindy. We enjoyed a nice lunch out and a nice walk around the lake before heading to Miller Park. It was a super fun day, I'm so glad that it worked out for us to go! Nolan stayed back with Grandma and Grandpa, which I'm sure he LOVED! It was crazy how "easy" the day was just having Tessa along with us. It's a completely different mindset to not have a toddler along. As much fun as we did have, I couldn't wait to get up the next morning to get Nolie to give him a good morning snuggle. The game was so much fun, Tessa loved it. She had so many questions about everything and she lasted until the 8th inning. She got extra excited whenever Ryan Braun or Prince Fielder would be up...two people that Mason talks about all of the time. So I think she felt like she knew them :) A great start to August!

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