August 22, 2011

Summer fun

Summer fun, that pretty much sums up what our summer was like. It was a super fun summer. The summer consisted of tons of swimming, going to various waterparks, playing at the park, going for bike rides, getting together with friends and family, grilling out, eating tons of ice cream, going to parades, playing in the garden, and building sand castles. Those are just a few of our favorite things we did this summer. I know I always say it, but this summer sure did cruise by! We know how lucky we are to have this time with the kids. Derek was very busy this summer with summer school and various odd jobs so he didn't see the kids much more than he does during the school year but I spent the majority of the summer doing what I love best...playing with my two munchkins. Soon we'll be heading into another school year. We always get excited to start another year. This year will be a little different than in the past because Derek and I aren't the only ones starting school. Tessa will be heading to 4K four days a week for half days. Hard to believe that starting on September 1 my baby will be getting on a school bus. The weather seems to be changing a little and it's definitely starting to feel a little more like fall. Cooler nights, getting darker earlier, staying darker later. I suppose we'd call this perfect football weather.

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