July 20, 2010

Welcome to the family baby Will!

Isn't it amazing how easily you can fall in love with a baby?? They are so innocent and sweet and really all you want to do is snuggle with them and kiss their soft cheeks. I could stare hours on end at babies to watch their silly faces they make, to catch those infrequent smiles, or just watch them sleep. Yesterday we got the chance to fall in love once again with a sweet baby boy, baby Will (aka baby Gibbo).

Yesterday late morning my mom and I decided it was a great day to drive to Chicago. Derek had a change in his plans so he was able to have the kids and my mom's plans fell through so she was free also. So to Chicago we went to visit Matt, Mandy, and baby Will. Oh man, he is cute. Really, really cute. One of those moments that you look at the little munchkin and they grab your heart and make you say "ohhhhh" a hundred times over again. I've had two children of my own that I love more than anything but each time I see a newborn it still makes my heart melt. It's all so amazing. Congrats to you Matt and Mandy. Will...welcome to the family. We can't wait to snuggle with you again soon!

Proud mommy and daddy! What a gorgeous family!

July 18, 2010

Can you tell what looks different?

My cutie-pie husband. Most of my blogs revolve around our kids (surprise, surprise)but Derek is going to be the shining star of this post. Can you tell what is different with my handsome husband? He did it!! He finally finished!! I'm officially married to a man with a masters. This past week Derek went to LaCrosse for the week to complete his masters degree. It sounds like he a had a fun week wrapping up his two year program as he attended presentations, gave his own presentation, and had plenty of time to golf and hang out with friends to celebrate. A great accomplishment to celebrate! We are proud of him. Getting a masters is a great and difficult accomplishment and we've had a few things happen over the past two years where he easily could have said forget it. Throughout our rollercoaster ride one thing stayed in sight...his masters program would be complete in July of 2010. He kept right on going and now officially has his masters!! We are all so proud.

July 12, 2010

Nolan's 9 Month Stats...

To top the weekend off the kids had a great time at the fair. Derek and I had a busy weekend playing softball with our graduating classes and the kids did a lot of shuffling around to accommodate our games. It was a fun, exhausting weekend!! Tessa had a great time on the rides (well, the very slow rides that didn't do anything unexpected) and Nolan laughed the whole time as he watched the rides. He was a bit more serious when actually getting on the ride but he sure had a good time too.

Today I took Nolan in for his 9 month appointment. Oh my goodness do we have a big boy on our hands! Here is Nolan's updated 9 (well actually 9.5) month stats:

Length - 30 inches tall (95th percentile)
Weight - 23 lbs 12 oz (95th percentile)
Head Circumference (Off the charts...which we actually have to keep an eye on over the next few check ups but no use worrying that something might be wrong.)

After Nolan was in the NICU we were told that for the first two years that they would give us his actual percentages and also the percentages for his current stats if he would have been born six weeks later like he was supposed to be. Well today, needless to say, there was no need to give his adjusted percentages. He's nearly 100% (or more) for everything so comparing him to other 8 month olds seems a bit unnecessary. We have a big, healthy boy. Nine months ago I never would have guessed that this is what Nolan would be only nine short months later. We are one of the lucky ones, that's for sure.

Going to the fair with Uncle Beau...do you think she looks excited?!?!

July 9, 2010

Another birthday celebration for Miss Tessa...and fair weekend isn't even over so she thinks that this whole weekend is also dedicated to her birthday! Another great week. Tessa's 3 years old, wearing underwear a majority of her days, and still playing the bedtime game (little stinker!!).

Don't worry...the pic of Tessa below is after I was done making the cookies for her party, I promise!!

Telling everyone how old she is...daddy style.

I love the group shots. Always something going on but that is what makes them fun. I had to include both. They were taken within seconds of each other yet everyone looks so different in the pics. Tessa and Nolan have the best cousins in the world!

The birthday girl heading home from the birthday party. Grandma and Grandpa graciously let us have Tessa's party at their house so the kids could swim. A great party. Here's to another great year Miss Tessa!

July 5, 2010

My litte Tessaroo is 3 years old!

It's hard to believe that my baby girl is three years old today. Fortunately for her, her birthday is like a week long celebration with the 4th of July the day before and the fair the weekend after her birthday. In between the two big weekends we are managing to do a whole lot of celebrating. Today we took Tessa bowling for the first time. It was very cute. Mitchell and Mason rode into Madison with our family and we sang happy birthday to Tessa almost the entire ride in. It brought some very big smiles to her face! A great start to her birthday celebrations. I'm sure I'll be posting quite a few more pics over the next few days as the celebrations continue. Happy 3rd Birthday Tessa!