June 21, 2010


I have no idea where the last week went! Derek and I both finished our school year almost two weeks ago and we have officially been loving being done! We have a super busy summer this year and we are excited for so many fun times in the next few months. Last week Derek stayed home with the kids while I took a class for four of the days. The class was incredible and gave me the chance to get into local businesses (the new research facility on campus that isn't completed yet (it's simply amazing..Bry- you would LOVE it), Epic, Great Big Pictures, and the UW Kohl Center) that I have heard so much about and had never been before. It made me realize that indeed I think like an education professional not a business professional. Now I just need to figure out how to get my students into these amazing places to see how many cool jobs are out there that you've never even heard about before!

This weekend we had a great time going to the Dells with the Koenig's, Johnson's, and us. We went up Friday for the weekend and spent a lot of time swimming, eating, playing, laughing, chatting, and even playing some games (which for some of the guys is never something they would admit!). It was very fun. Tessa and Nolan both loved swimming. Tessa would rather stay on the tiniest of all slides and just go up and down that same slide. Sadie was more adventurous and Tessa and I had fun watching her and Brenda play on the bigger slides. Nolan loved chilling out in his floatie and watching all of the other action that was going on around him. The kids were overall very good. You never really know what you are going to get when you take kids out of their routine, but they did really well. We are already looking forward to heading back up there next year! We decided that we need to plan better and next year we will bring dresses with us. There was a wedding there this weekend that would have been a perfect wedding crasher wedding. As much as I would never do that...wouldn't it be fun to be a wedding crasher!!?? I guess, never say never...

Next weekend I finally get to go see those cutie-pie boys in Tennessee!! It's going to be sooo strange to be away from Tessa and Nolan but it's only for five days. I can't wait to get my hands on them and play with them. It's going to make Nolan look so big! My little guy isn't so little anymore!

Looking forward to a fun summer with family and friends...

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures! Looks like a great time! We need to go to the Dells sometime! I can't believe Nolan is big enough to give himself a bottle, time flies. Yay summer!
