June 30, 2010

Triple the fun in Tennessee!

This summer really is off to a great start. We've already had so much fun that it seems selfish to think that the fun gets to keep going. I finally made it to Tennessee to visit Jason, Summer, Skyler, Asher, and Ryder. Seriously I think I said "Oh my God" and "Ooooohhhh, that is so cute..." about one thousand times. I was sad to leave Tessa, Nolan, and Derek back in WI but as soon as we walked into J and Summer's beautiful home after the twelve hour car ride (that couldn't go fast enough because I was so excited) I was so happy that I made the trip. I traveled with my parents (aka Graunt and Grunkle) and my grandma (aka Grandma Grape). We left Wednesday and returned about four hours ago. I know really I should have picked my favorite photos to put on here but who can pick their favorite when all of the pics are adorable. When I asked Jason and Summer if it was okay if I placed pics of the boys on my blog I don't think that they knew I meant sixteen of them. I just couldn't resist.

Skyler, Asher, and Ryder...cuteness all over the place. Cute, cute, and more cute. Jason and Summer so graciously opened their house up to the four of us to stay right with them. It was honestly so much fun. Just seeing one of them would have been major cuteness, but three of them. That's what I call falling in love at first sight and making your heart melt. Traveling back to TN was actually bitter-sweet for me. The last time I was there, Halloween of 2008, was when everything with my second pregnancy took a devastating turn for the worse. Coming back to TN I couldn't help but think of my angel baby while at the same time look at these three gifts from God that have been given to J and Summer. The boys are just absolutely perfect.

The first three pics are very similar. I couldn't decide which one was cuter. Ryder, who is in the middle, is the only one who had eaten his bottle and the other two were very hungry. I love the last of the three when Skyler is trying to eat Ryder. Ryder is just hanging out loving getting the pics taken.

We had a great time but I always do love coming home from vacations. There is no place like home. I came home and stepped right back into my own crazy world. Derek was heading out for the night to go visit a friend from college that is in the military that he hasn't seen in two years. So he pretty much had to head out right when I walked in the door. Tessa was awake and I was so happy to see her. Nolan was taking his evening nap when I got home so I went to wake him. After spending the week with the little munchkins Nolan seemed HUGE! He seems like he's changed so much in the five short days. Tessa and Nolan don't even know what's coming tomorrow...major snuggle time!

Love this picture of Grandma Grape with Ryder. They were a perfect fit for that afternoon nap!

Too bad Nolan wasn't along. He could have taught Asher what the jumper is supposed to be used for:)

The bottle picture...I just wanted to give those of you that complain about washing bottles a chance to see this...to realize that you have it pretty easy. The pic of the clean bottles is less than twenty-four hours worth of bottles. I will never ever ever ever complain about washing Nolan's bottles again!! I now know how easy I have it! Time goes so crazy fast that about eight months from now the triplets won't even be drinking out of bottles anymore...crazy to think.

June 21, 2010


I have no idea where the last week went! Derek and I both finished our school year almost two weeks ago and we have officially been loving being done! We have a super busy summer this year and we are excited for so many fun times in the next few months. Last week Derek stayed home with the kids while I took a class for four of the days. The class was incredible and gave me the chance to get into local businesses (the new research facility on campus that isn't completed yet (it's simply amazing..Bry- you would LOVE it), Epic, Great Big Pictures, and the UW Kohl Center) that I have heard so much about and had never been before. It made me realize that indeed I think like an education professional not a business professional. Now I just need to figure out how to get my students into these amazing places to see how many cool jobs are out there that you've never even heard about before!

This weekend we had a great time going to the Dells with the Koenig's, Johnson's, and us. We went up Friday for the weekend and spent a lot of time swimming, eating, playing, laughing, chatting, and even playing some games (which for some of the guys is never something they would admit!). It was very fun. Tessa and Nolan both loved swimming. Tessa would rather stay on the tiniest of all slides and just go up and down that same slide. Sadie was more adventurous and Tessa and I had fun watching her and Brenda play on the bigger slides. Nolan loved chilling out in his floatie and watching all of the other action that was going on around him. The kids were overall very good. You never really know what you are going to get when you take kids out of their routine, but they did really well. We are already looking forward to heading back up there next year! We decided that we need to plan better and next year we will bring dresses with us. There was a wedding there this weekend that would have been a perfect wedding crasher wedding. As much as I would never do that...wouldn't it be fun to be a wedding crasher!!?? I guess, never say never...

Next weekend I finally get to go see those cutie-pie boys in Tennessee!! It's going to be sooo strange to be away from Tessa and Nolan but it's only for five days. I can't wait to get my hands on them and play with them. It's going to make Nolan look so big! My little guy isn't so little anymore!

Looking forward to a fun summer with family and friends...

June 5, 2010

Nolan and his two bottom teeth :)

Just this week Nolan started sitting up on his own and he got his two bottom teeth!! Of course when he is sitting up he has his moments that he starts to fall and there is nothing there to catch him except the ground (and me of course!!). You know what I mean. He'll be sitting there with his toys in front of him and as soon as he starts to tip over his back stays straight as a board but he doesn't know yet to get his hands out to catch himself. So cute. He is starting to sit up to play and I love watching him. You can see on his face how intensely he is focusing on a toy or how hard he is concentrating to press a button to make the music turn on. I always wish I could climb in their little brains to see what they are thinking. Their brains are like sponges...and boy do they learn quickly!

Tessa is doing great. Only three more days at Stephie's (daycare) and one more day at Grandma's and then "...SCHOOL'S - OUT - FOR - SUMMER!". Could you hear the music?? Oh man, I can't wait to be home with the kids. This year started off crazy but has been a great school year. I LOVE my students this year. I definitely do not feel like the year should be over. It's going to be a fun summer of playing, playing, playing, taking a few classes, and of course going to see those cutie-pie boys in Tennessee. I CANNOT wait to get my hands on them.

We had a storm come through tonight and this is what followed it. The camera doesn't do it justice but boy, the sky was beautiful!