February 14, 2010

Just Being Silly...

Just being silly, that was what this week was about! Nolan is still loving watching Tessa run around being goofy but now he can laugh with the rest of us! We had a fun weekend hanging out with friends, sledding, making Valentine's Day cookies, Tessa and Derek going to a concert, and of course watching the Olympics. I found the most stressful part of the weekend being the times that we were watching the Olympics. Man oh man, I've watched a few sports that I really never knew existed and I find myself on the edge of the seat the entire time. The Olympics are so inspiring.

Below is a video of Nolan laughing like crazy. As I heard Nolan laughing like crazy I ran to get the camera and I lifted the lamp up to bring the light closer to him so the camera could see Nolan. Well, while doing this I broke the lamp so instead we are shining a flashlight on him so the video could see him:) He's starting to get his own little personality already!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pertzborn's... The kids are so cute! I can't belive how big Nolan is getting. We'd love to meet him sometime very soon. Marin wishes she was there to play in the snow with Tessa & Sadie. It looks so fun! xoxo
