February 21, 2010

We had a very low-key weekend. After my surgery on Friday, I had to take it pretty easy which is actually very difficult for me. I'm not very good at just sitting around and having Derek do everything for the kids and I. The weekend went quickly and overall my leg feels pretty good. It is still numb in certain spots, bruised, and quite sore, but hopefully over the course of the next few weeks the pressure that was bothering me so badly will be better. I'll have a few check-ups in the next few weeks so hopefully everything will look as it is supposed to.

Tessa and Nolan did a lot of snuggling this weekend. The pictures below show how silly they can be and I love that Nolan is starting to show his emotions with all of his constant smiles and laughing that he does.

February 14, 2010

Just Being Silly...

Just being silly, that was what this week was about! Nolan is still loving watching Tessa run around being goofy but now he can laugh with the rest of us! We had a fun weekend hanging out with friends, sledding, making Valentine's Day cookies, Tessa and Derek going to a concert, and of course watching the Olympics. I found the most stressful part of the weekend being the times that we were watching the Olympics. Man oh man, I've watched a few sports that I really never knew existed and I find myself on the edge of the seat the entire time. The Olympics are so inspiring.

Below is a video of Nolan laughing like crazy. As I heard Nolan laughing like crazy I ran to get the camera and I lifted the lamp up to bring the light closer to him so the camera could see Nolan. Well, while doing this I broke the lamp so instead we are shining a flashlight on him so the video could see him:) He's starting to get his own little personality already!

February 6, 2010

What is new with us?

Well, not a whole lot is new with us! We've been keeping ourselves really busy and looking forward to spring! Hopefully Jimmy is right about spring coming soon!

Derek, aka almost 30 year old on March 1, has been busy with school, his masters classes, football and baseball coaching clinics, and of course spending some time with the boys ice fishing (that's what they call it at least:)). He's had a very busy last month getting his hours for his masters as well as everything that is going on, but he's really enjoying it all. He's had some great experiences and come July, he'll graduate with his masters in administration. He's still deciding if he wants to continue right away to get his certification in curriculum and instruction too or if he wants to wait a bit. Either way, when July comes, we will all be proud of his hard work over the last two years as he will earn his masters.

What's new with me...hmmm...really not a whole lot! I've been really enjoying being back at school and am really enjoying getting to know the students (I could do without some of the parents but the students are great!!). I know that I can enjoy my time at school so much more just knowing that Tessa and Nolan are being taken care of by great people. I'll be having a type of surgery in two weeks on my right leg and I am really looking forward to it. You see, I've been blessed enough to get these gorgeous veins all over my legs. My right leg is much more painful than my left, but the vascular surgeon that I met with a few weeks ago said that both legs will need to be worked on. I learned some interesting things about the veins in your legs! I'm hoping that after the procedure that my leg with feel 100x better. We'll see!

I've had a few baby showers in the past few weeks also. This year is going to be filled with babies, babies, and more babies! I love it! I'm so excited for all of my friends and family that are expecting. Last weekend we had a shower for my cousin who is expecting triplets. Three boys! Because she doesn't live near us she wasn't able to be there which was a bummer. We hope that she enjoyed all of the wonderful gifts that were delivered to her door. Oh how exciting the next few months will be! I can't wait to meet those baby boys!

I guess that my life really revolves around children...my own munchkins, celebrating the arrival of others little ones, and teaching kiddos during the day! One thing I've been doing for myself lately is trying to stay active. After being on bestrest for so long, my body needs a fine tuning. I've been really enjoying the gym that I am a part of and I'm trying to get more into running. I kind of have this goal that is hovering over my head but we'll see, I'm not sure how realistic it will be. I've tossed out the idea of doing the Madison marathon and so far the training is going pretty well. Hopefully the surgery in a few weeks only helps how my leg feels which could make this dream of mine more realistic!

Tessa, Tessa, Tessa. She is growing up so quickly. Each day that she comes home she is saying things and doing things that make her seem so old. She went potty twice in the last couple of days on the potty! (Warning, warning...there is potty picture below...) YEAH TESSA! I know that soon she will be potty-trained but those days really couldn't come soon enough. She's such a sweetheart and is such a good big sister. When we are home she is always looking out for him and if he's crying she will try to do anything to make him stop (rub his head or back, give him a toy, sing "Twinkle, Twinkle", etc...). Usually it works which I think is so cute. She is still loving going to daycare, my mom's, or my sisters during the day but she is starting to have a hard time that Nolan doesn't always go with her. The mornings that she goes to Stephie's, she gets really excited about going but when she realizes that Nolan isn't going there, she gets sad. Starting next year they will be going to the same place everyday so they can be partners in crime. Until then, Tessa, Mason, and Marah spend most of their days together being goofy and looking out for each other.

Our big man, Nolan. Nolan is doing so well. The other day a woman leaned her face into his carseat and said, "Oh, how cute, he must be what, six or seven months old?". Nope, he's my four month old that is growing like a weed. You would never guess that he was a preemie. I can't help but look at his preemie clothes to see how much he's grown. It really is crazy to see. His hair is starting to come in more and his eyes are turning brown. He really looks just like Tessa did when she was a baby. He loved his time in the exersaucer this morning and is starting to have so much more head control. I'm not sure what I did to my children, but they love to sleep! Nolan has been sleeping through the night for about 1-2 months now. I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong:) Hopefully that comment doesn't jinx anything!

Nolan spent a few days with Aunt Nancy this week while my parents are in Vegas and then heading to San Diego. She said that he was a good boy so hopefully that was the case:) We are so lucky to have such a good baby who really only cries when he needs to be changed, fed, or put down to sleep. The evenings get a bit more interesting but overall, we are spoiled!

Nolan snuggling with Grandma "Grape" at Summer's shower.