January 13, 2010

Nolan's first trip to Madison...to urgent care :(

Last night was Nolan's first trip to Madison. He's been in the car riding home from Madison when he came home from the hospital on October 30 and hasn't returned until last night. Starting Sunday he started to get a pretty nasty cough. Over the past few days it has gotten progressively worse so yesterday evening we took him to urgent care to be checked out. With his once premature lungs, the biggest fear of him getting sick this winter was having his cough turn into pneumonia. We want to nip this in the butt right now so it doesn't come to that. We have been living in a "bubble" for long enough now that our "bubble" is full of germs. We didn't want the germs to enter but they found their way in...darn. The doctor last night didn't seem too concerned and said that everything that is going on seems very normal for an infant with a very bad cold or virus. We just need to keep a close eye on him and make sure a fever doesn't develop. After we got home last night, mister man slept right through the night like he's been doing lately. I wasn't expecting that after his day yesterday.

Then he woke up today and he seemed okay in the morning. He went to Jess' today and he needed quite the snuggles. He didn't want to be put down for very long and wasn't very interested in his bottles. He is spitting up quite a bit but it's all normal with his chest and nasal congestion. He has had moments where he struggles with his breathing but will then catch his breath and be fine. We just want this nasty cold to go away!! We don't want it to turn into anything worse than a cold! I've always been paranoid when Tessa has gotten sick and now with Nolan, it's a whole new ballgame. The poor doctors are going to be sick of me but that is why we pay for insurance, right?? If Nolan continues to stay the same or gets worse we will be heading to see his pediatrician on Friday. She's great but she's going to fall over when she sees that he now weights 14 pounds 12 ounces (with clothes and a diaper on)!! The miracle formula is sure doing it's job!!


  1. Hope Nolan's little sickies pass quickly :)


  2. I sure hope he gets well soon!! Haley was just a bit stuffy sounding yesterday and now I'm all paranoid, but she sounds better today so lets hope it's nothing! We will be praying Nolan's cold goes away pronto! What is your miracle formula by the way??
