January 19, 2010

Nolan is 4 months old today - almost 3.5 times his birth weight!!

Nolan's four month stats:
Length - 25 inches tall (50th percentile)
Weight - 15 lbs 4 oz (50th percentile)
Head Circumference (75th percentile...lots of brains!!!)

Needless to say, our little boy isn't so little anymore. Looks like he's catching right up to his friends and leaving some in the dust! Go Nolan! He continues to amaze us and show us what a strong little guy he is! It's amazing how such a small person can carry so much strength. Ever since he was the little munchkin weighing 4 lbs 14 oz when he was born and dropping down to 4 lbs 6 oz in the NICU, he's proven just how strong he is.

Nolan is finally getting better from his little virus that he had. Last week after heading to urgent care, they told us that if he wasn't better two or three days later that he should go to see his pediatrician. So last Friday to the doctor we went. He had a very nasty sounding cough and wasn't acting like his normal self. Well, I'm sure glad that we went. He had an ear infection and she also thought that he had RSV. NOOOO!!! RSV is what he had gotten the shots for two months ago and one month ago to prevent him from getting a serious case of it. The test did come back negative and he's getting better and better each day. We continue using his nebulizer to help get the gunk out of his chest and he'll be on an antibiotic for one more week. We can't wait for spring!

Tessa continues to be a goofball and a great big sister. Nolan is starting to think she's the silliest thing. Soon enough he'll be up chasing her around and they will be playing together, like perfect little angels:) Of course they will never fight:) Here is Tessa playing with one of her favorite toys. The blocks from Daddy's classroom that she loves building towers with and spelling words (with the help of others of course).

This is what happened a few days ago when daddy was getting Tessa dressed to go sledding outside. I think he was in such a hurry because he was so excited himself. When he was getting her dressed I heard her say, "Daddy, that is too tight", a few times but never thought anything of it. Sure enough...her pants were too tight because both of her legs were shoved into one pant leg. Nice job daddy!! We all got a good laugh out of that one!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear Nolan is getting so big and getting over his cold! The picture of Tessa with both legs in one pant actually made me laugh out loud, I can really just see Chad doing the exact same thing some day! Too funny!
