November 18, 2009

What does the word cousin mean?

Too cute not to share! Yesterday evening Tessa, Nolan, and I went to play with Jess and the kids. Jess graciously offered to have us stay for dinner. I had already made something at home for dinner but that was no big deal. I'd just put it in the fridge when we got home and save it for another day. We were playing away in their toy room (which is like heaven for any kid) and I thought to myself "did I turn off my burner on my stove". I had to run home and check because my postpartum brain wasn't able to figure out if I had turned it off or left it on. No use in worrying so home I went to check. Mason and Marah joined me for the ride while Mitchell, Tessa, and Nolan stayed back to play. We were gone for about ten minutes while Jess got the camera out and Mitchell snuggled with Nolan. By the way, the burner was off! :)

While we were gone Mitchell had a heart to heart with Nolan. Mitchell asked Nolan what he thought the word cousin meant. Mitchell responed by saying that a cousins are "best friends that just live in different houses". Too cute. We are so lucky to have our kids grow up with Jessie and Beau's kids. Instantly, they have become best friends. Mitchell is such a great big cousin. (Mason and Marah are too!! Marah tends to have evil eyes when we are around with Nolan but she is warming up to him!!)


  1. Mitchell is SO sweet - that's adorable! I'll always remember the first time I met everybody was at Andi's bridal shower, Jessie brought Mitchell and he was the only boy there so I told him he was a lucky guy. Then he kept walking around saying "I'm a lucky guy, I'm a lucky guy - it was too cute! Glad he loves his cousins so much! :)

  2. Great Pics and wonderful words of wisdom from Mitchell. Wise beyond his years again!!

    Hope to see you all soon and maybe Nolan awake??
