May 26, 2014

It's about the little things...

It's about the little things in life.  Those are what we should focus on.  The little things that most often go unnoticed.  They are the things we take for granted and don't notice in this crazy, busy, fast-forward life we live in.  After the kids went to bed tonight I found this piece of paper that Tessa had been drawing on earlier.  If this isn't a reminder to myself for how great my life is, I don't know what is.  The little things, that's it.  And with the love of family and friends we work together to work through adversity that comes flying at us.  It really all comes down to the little things.  Enjoy them while they are there as someday they will be gone.


After looking back at our blog it's hard to believe that I haven't updated it for over a month.  It's also extremely hard to believe what has happened in our life since.  For the past two weeks we have been trying to figure out and understand something that we need to learn we will never fully understand.  Losing Kevin has caused a huge piece of our world to be gone...forever.  Tessa and Nolan loved him.  Derek trusted, looked up to, and loved him.  Everyone that had ever been around him did.  Quiet, calm, nonjudgmental, generous beyond generous, kind, intriguing, so talented in so many ways.  That's Kevin.  It's all so hard to believe.  It feels as if we are still going to wake up from this crazy nightmare that has been haunting us for too long and life will be put back together for us.  He will be greatly missed.  If only he would have known just how much before he left us.  If nothing else, it's another reminder to enjoy the little things.  Life is a crazy ride and it's about enjoying the ride while we are here.  Kev, we all miss you so much.