December 10, 2011

Tessa's First Christmas Concert

Who knew that they'd do a Christmas concert for Tessa's 4K class?! It was ADORABLE! Tessa's group was the fourth group to go. Each group sang a few Christmas songs and we got some pretty good giggles watching each group while they sang in the big auditorium at the high school. I didn't know how Tessa was going to respond to getting up on stage but she sure loved it. I still don't know where she learned all of her poses that she was doing :) The link to the video is below. It's pretty long, about five minutes, and I'm sorry for the parts where the camera is shaking. I was laughing pretty hard a few different times! This will be fun to look back at some day.

Tessa and Sadie after the performance. Maybe someday they will be in the same class up there singing together? They sure were excited to see each other after the performance :)

The photo shoot on stage after the performance. She sure loved being up there!

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