September 19, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Nolan

Happy Birthday Nolie. To look back two years ago and to look at Nolan now is truly amazing. Even in the last few months he has changed so much. He says so many words, makes it very clear if he wants something, gives the best running hugs that are out there, and is still so snuggly (when he wants to be..not as much as mommy would like). He is so much fun and makes us better people for having him in our lives. When I was pregnant with Nolan I had those natural thoughts which sound so ridiculous now to even say. How could I possibly love another child as much as I loved my little Tessa? To even think about that seems so silly but I remember just not knowing if I could love my second baby as much as I loved my first. Well, it's possible. And I think that I not only love them the absolute same amount (which by the way is a TON) but I love them even more because of them being a pair, a little team. We are so very blessed. Look at our little 2 year old football player. Happy birthday buddy :)

Winding up to throw...of course making Daddy proud :)


  1. Happy 2nd Birthday Nolan!!! :) We cannot believe how big you're getting! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  2. Happy B-Day Nolan! I'll have to get you a matching Chargers helmet buddy! Miss you guys....

    -Uncle Bry
