May 15, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

This year we were lucky enough to be invited to the annual Easter egg hunt that Jessie and Beau's family take part in every year. We've always heard all the fun stories from the egg hunt but have never been able to witness it ourselves...until this year. WOW, almost two thousand eggs were scattered, hidden, and perfectly placed at Beau's grandma's house. His aunts and cousins put this amazing Easter egg hunt together and this year it was a little closer to home so we joined in the fun. The kids loved it. All of them. There were kids of all ages running around the yard trying to gather as many eggs as they could. Even single Easter basket was plump full of eggs by the end of the hunt. What a fun start to Easter weekend this year:)

1 comment:

  1. 2,000 eggs?!? That's crazy! It sounds like tons of fun, I'm glad you guys got to join in this year! :) Hugs to all of your family from us, I can't believe how big Tessa & Nolan are!
