March 25, 2011


BFS - Bigger Faster Stronger. Starting last spring Derek started to learn about a program called Bigger Faster Stronger. He immediately loved the idea of BFS and has been consumed by it for the last year. He started last summer having a few classes during the day for kids to come and begin learning this program. Then this fall he used it with his football team and quite a few other students who work out religiously. His ideal goal would be for all coaches that are in the same school to have a "common language" to use so regardless of what sport the kids are playing, they are being told the same thing about important workouts, lifts, etc. For the past few months he began organizing a weekend in March where a BFS professional trainer from Utah was going to come to the high school to work with about 100 students (pic above). This weekend took place a few weeks ago. I know he put his heart into this experience and hopes that students will benefit from this and run with the ideas and life lessons that they learned. He's already seen quite a few kids grab on to this philosophy. Once other people begin to see others having success with it, it will gain the respect that it deserves I'm just proud that Derek put all of his time and effort into this to simply make students better athletes and to teach them how to physically work hard. This summer he's going to have at least four classes of BFS so we'll see how it goes. I know he's going to work hard...we'll see who works harder, Derek or the kids:)

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