March 25, 2011


BFS - Bigger Faster Stronger. Starting last spring Derek started to learn about a program called Bigger Faster Stronger. He immediately loved the idea of BFS and has been consumed by it for the last year. He started last summer having a few classes during the day for kids to come and begin learning this program. Then this fall he used it with his football team and quite a few other students who work out religiously. His ideal goal would be for all coaches that are in the same school to have a "common language" to use so regardless of what sport the kids are playing, they are being told the same thing about important workouts, lifts, etc. For the past few months he began organizing a weekend in March where a BFS professional trainer from Utah was going to come to the high school to work with about 100 students (pic above). This weekend took place a few weeks ago. I know he put his heart into this experience and hopes that students will benefit from this and run with the ideas and life lessons that they learned. He's already seen quite a few kids grab on to this philosophy. Once other people begin to see others having success with it, it will gain the respect that it deserves I'm just proud that Derek put all of his time and effort into this to simply make students better athletes and to teach them how to physically work hard. This summer he's going to have at least four classes of BFS so we'll see how it goes. I know he's going to work hard...we'll see who works harder, Derek or the kids:)

Let the Spring begin!

In the midst of the past 1.5 months with the whole political mess still going on, we've definitely been able to have some fun. Thank God for Tessa and Nolan (and of course Marah, Mason, and Mitchell too) who can all so easily distract us from the reality of everything else going on around us. Sometimes it's hard to turn off the "work brain" when we are indulged in every aspect of it right now but the reality is that we have to learn to turn it off. Over the past six weeks I've sure had some CRAZY dreams but that could either be from the stress of school and everything that comes along with that territory these days, or because Derek and I have recently started watching the first season of LOST. Bry has been telling me for years to start watching Lost and we didn't listen to him until this year. OMG. We have stayed up too late too many nights because we just need to know what is going to happen next. It is SO good!

Nolan and Tessa are both doing great. Tessa is turning into such a big girl. She'll be starting 4K in the fall and is super excited about that. I think I'll have a harder time with it than she will - the whole bus thing scares me...she's so little:) She continues to be a great big sister, is a great helper around the house, is getting a super creative imagination, and loves to learn. She's definitely ready for school this fall.

Nolan is getting HUGE. We still say if often, but we are blessed to have a happy, healthy boy who shows no signs of being premature. I just took him in today for his 18 month appt and his doctor always has to mention to someone at the clinic that he used to be sooo tiny. It's hard to believe that 1.5 years ago he was a tiny munchkin. He's running all over, starting to talk a little more, climbs on everything, plays by himself and with others, and LOVES taking baths. This summer he's going to love swimming at grandma and grandpa's. Nolan's stats today for his 18 month appt were - 29 pounds 6 ounces (86th %), 34 inches tall (89th %), and his head's circumference is 20 inches (99th % aka HUGE). His head continues to be off of the chart. She's been a little concerned but starting at these past few checkups she's been noticing the growth of his head leveling off a little bit. Poor guy just has a huge head:)

Below are a few pics from the past two weeks. The weather teased us for a few days where the sun and warm temps came and melted all of the snow. It was so refreshing. This week is going to be chilly but soon enough the spring weather will be here.

We got the bike out of storage on the first day the sidewalks were cleared from the snow. Tessa could have rode her bike for hours!

"Mommy, my chocolate chip cookie looks like a chipmunk." She's right...can you see it?

Always being silly and getting into trouble together.

Tessa loves writing her letters. Notice what is different about Mitchell's name compared to the other names listed? Goofy girl.

Jess' kids got to come and play this morning (well, not Mitchell b/c he was at school) for a few hours before I took Nolan to the doctor. Beau was just about to walk in so everyone grabbed their paper airplanes that we, two, three, here he comes - fire! The kids came up with that one on their own and loved surprising Beau with their paper airplanes being launched down the stairs.