January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

This year for New Year's Eve we took the kids bowling. Jess, Beau, Mitchell, Mason, Marah, Derek, Tessa, Nolan, Bryan, and I went and to be honest I'm not sure who had more fun...the kids or adults. It was a fun few hours to spend doing something fun on New Year's with the kiddos. Mitchell, Mason, and Tessa loved it, Marah loved watching and playing with the vent by the ball return (see pic below!!), and Nolan loved watching. It was a fun evening...thanks for the idea Jess! Jess, Bry, and I had a close one for our first game...who knew you could bowl once every few years and get scores in the 140's:)

Here's to a great 2011. Happy New Year and GO BADGERS!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Happy New Year. Miss you all so much. Love to all of you!!! -Summer
