January 17, 2011

Playing in the snow...again!

We are still loving playing in the snow! This afternoon Tessa and I went outside sledding and asked our neighbor if it was okay that Tessa and I use the side of their little hill that faces our house. She of course was completely fine with it. But about ten minutes later she came back over by us while laughing and said she wasn't sure who was having more fun...me or Tessa. I do love sledding. It's one of those things that really brings the kid out in you. So needless to say that we had a fun afternoon of sledding...and yes, Tessa had fun too!

Not too much is new with our family. Nolan and Tessa are both doing great. Nolan is changing soooo quickly. Tessa still is growing and changing quickly but it's definitely slowed down. Nolan is at the stage where he does something new every day. We are waiting for him to start talking more but for now it's just the cute baby talk. He does say "mama", "dada", "tessa", and of course a few other basics, but I do think that is first word was touchdown (and of course daddy was pleased with this!). Nolan is starting to walk everywhere and just this weekend picked up running. It's quite the site to see but he's always trying to keep up with Tessa. He absolutely loves Tessa and 95% of the time, she loves him too:)

Below are a few pics from today. We had a fun day playing in the snow. We had to get out and enjoy it before the cold comes. Yes, today was around 30 and it felt really nice out. Oh yeah, of course I can't forget...GO Packers!

Tessa and I made a race track around the driveway. We had a fun time playing all different types of games in our track:)

When Nolan came out to play with us (after he took his nap) he also loved playing in our race track. He was a little stumped on where to go when he got to the snow pile that blocked the track. How in the world is he going to get over that big hill? It was pretty cute.
Tessa actually would have fallen asleep outside. It was a very peaceful afternoon with a beautiful light snow falling on us. Truthfully...I kind of wanted to do the same thing:)

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

This year for New Year's Eve we took the kids bowling. Jess, Beau, Mitchell, Mason, Marah, Derek, Tessa, Nolan, Bryan, and I went and to be honest I'm not sure who had more fun...the kids or adults. It was a fun few hours to spend doing something fun on New Year's with the kiddos. Mitchell, Mason, and Tessa loved it, Marah loved watching and playing with the vent by the ball return (see pic below!!), and Nolan loved watching. It was a fun evening...thanks for the idea Jess! Jess, Bry, and I had a close one for our first game...who knew you could bowl once every few years and get scores in the 140's:)

Here's to a great 2011. Happy New Year and GO BADGERS!

Uncle Bryan

Looking at the pics below, is Bryan a great uncle or what? We loved having him home for ten days this Christmas. Well, it was supposed to be ten days but it turned into a few extra because of mother nature. Bry was supposed to leave on Thursday night to head back to San Diego but because of the fog his flight got completely canceled. He was definitely bummed as we all know after a vacation how nice it is to get back to our routine. But really if you are going to get stuck somewhere, being stuck at home would be on the top of my list!

Thanks for all the fun this week Bry. The kids LOVE you and love spending time with you. Thank you for reading Tessa her new book too...her new favorite book that she got from Derek:) Below are a few pics of the kids with you this week. You can see in their eyes how much they love spending time with you... I love the pic of Mason and Mitchell with you while you are watching Star Wars, playing Star Wars on their DS, and Nolan is in the background with his own light saber:)