April 17, 2010

Going to bed game...

Our silly, silly Tessa. She can be so goofy and silly at times. Her imaginary mind goes places that I don't think mine ever went and she can turn anything into a hat:) Boy, she's getting really good at playing games too. Sure she loves her Chutes and Ladders and her ABC game, but the "going to bed" game has come our way today...in full force! She's been doing very well with her new bed but today...yikes! Tonight it has taken two hours of her coming out of her room every few seconds and one of us picking her up to take her back in there. We say nothing and show no emotion...just place her gently back in bed in hopes that she'll go to sleep. I'm guessing about 100+ times we played this "game" tonight. Finally Derek and I said to each other that when she comes out the next time (we knew she'd be coming out again as soon as we shut her door) that we would just ignore her to see what would happen. She came out and in the sweetest voice kept saying "daddy, daddy, daddy". Derek - no response. Then over to me - "mommy, mommy, mommy". Me - no response. So she went back into her room for about two seconds, shut the door, opened the door again, and came back out and tried again. Now really, how was I not supposed to laugh at that (she didn't see me but I got a good laugh)!? Thank God Derek was here for bedtime tonight. This week could be interesting when he is gone for baseball during bedtime.

Any suggestions??? Any out of the ordinary things that worked for you?? Until then, we'll play the silently-carrying-you-back-to-bed game.

1 comment:

  1. I have an idea for this game. Hide down the hall and when she comes out of her room sneak into her bed. Hide... And see if she finds you.
