April 25, 2010

Fun with Friends!

Watch out Milwaukee, here we come! We had really fun time for Jill's bachelorette party this weekend in Milwaukee. We took a Lamer's bus down to Miller Park and spent the afternoon tailgating before a 6:00 game vs the Cubs. The weather wasn't the greatest for tailgating but it didn't seem to stop any of the fun! Everyone had a great time...everyone game back in one piece (I think!!) and we were even in bed sleeping at Jilly's by midnight. I'm not sure if that is because we loaded the bus at 1:00 in the afternoon or if we are getting old:) It was a great time and the wedding will be even more fun next month! Can't wait!

April 17, 2010

Going to bed game...

Our silly, silly Tessa. She can be so goofy and silly at times. Her imaginary mind goes places that I don't think mine ever went and she can turn anything into a hat:) Boy, she's getting really good at playing games too. Sure she loves her Chutes and Ladders and her ABC game, but the "going to bed" game has come our way today...in full force! She's been doing very well with her new bed but today...yikes! Tonight it has taken two hours of her coming out of her room every few seconds and one of us picking her up to take her back in there. We say nothing and show no emotion...just place her gently back in bed in hopes that she'll go to sleep. I'm guessing about 100+ times we played this "game" tonight. Finally Derek and I said to each other that when she comes out the next time (we knew she'd be coming out again as soon as we shut her door) that we would just ignore her to see what would happen. She came out and in the sweetest voice kept saying "daddy, daddy, daddy". Derek - no response. Then over to me - "mommy, mommy, mommy". Me - no response. So she went back into her room for about two seconds, shut the door, opened the door again, and came back out and tried again. Now really, how was I not supposed to laugh at that (she didn't see me but I got a good laugh)!? Thank God Derek was here for bedtime tonight. This week could be interesting when he is gone for baseball during bedtime.

Any suggestions??? Any out of the ordinary things that worked for you?? Until then, we'll play the silently-carrying-you-back-to-bed game.

April 11, 2010

Nolan having a laugh attack once again...

Not sure what Nolan is laughing at...with Derek, at Derek, or at Derek's golf form after a long winter:) Oh poor Jeremy...if this is what Nolan thinks of Derek's golf swing, I'm going to apologize ahead of time that he's your partner this year for league:)

April 9, 2010


Now really, who needs seven pictures of the same thing. Well, it's not completely the same thing but kind of. I couldn't resist. These pictures are from Easter morning before "Grandma" and "Grandpa" Lane showed up. Not really our Grandma and Grandpa but how do you explain to a two year old that they are Mitchell, Mason, and Marah's Grandma and Grandpa and not Tessa's and Nolan's. So really we just go with it...so it's Grandma and Grandpa Lane to us. Anyways, before they showed up we thought we'd get a group photo of the kids. Party central. Each picture is very similar to the next but Mason was singing and "raising the roof" and cheering the entire time and each photo is just a bit different facial expression for him. Until the last photo, he appears to be tired of all that partying! Hilarious...our little, quiet Mas is turning into such a big boy. Well he's not really my little guy, but sometimes I forget that he's not mine too:) The crew has such a fun time together. It's always one big party and we are so lucky that our little ones have them to look up to and to learn from.

Easter 2010

For most of Easter day Nolan did what he still does best...sleeps! He slept his way through the early morning Easter basket that Tessa found on the table, slept through the Easter egg hunt at Jess and Beau's, and last but not least, slept through the Easter egg coloring party later that evening. This would be why he is only in the photos with the "crew". I'm glad that he wasn't sleeping through those party pictures! Tessa loved Easter. It's so fun that she is starting to understand everything so much more and she gets really excited. I love seeing her huge smile. It takes me only a moment to go back to that excitement from when we were kids. Sometimes it feels just like yesterday.

April 3, 2010

Playing, Playing, and More Playing

So much fun was had this week. Derek was on break and each night I'd get home from work so he could go to baseball practice and the party would continue. They kids played outside all week almost all day and evening and the fresh air feels so great.

Nolan sporting Tessa's new glasses...thanks Grandma! Hope you are having fun in TN with those cute babies!

Today Tessa was so excited to see the chipmunks back. Last year she just loved to see them around our house. We can't seem to get rid of them but Tessa loves playing with them (aka chasing them!). Today she got really excited when she saw one outside of the toy room and she had to go get her toothbrush from the bathroom. She came sprinting past Derek and I saying she needed to find her toothbrush to show the chipmunk. She found it and as she was running back past us we asked her why she was showing the chipmunk. She has a picture of a chipmunk on her toothbrush and wanted to show the chipmunk outside the window. It was pretty funny.

Trip to the Zoo

Derek and I had one day of our spring breaks overlap so we headed to the Madison zoo. It was a fun day with the Lane crew. The weather has been perfect lately and it makes me really excited for spring to come and stay:) I'm looking forward to a week home with the kids during my spring break next week. I love being home with my munchkins...

Grandpa Working at Culver's

No, Grandpa doesn't work at Culver's but he did for the night! They were doing a fundraiser for the fire department so we joined in the fun. I think he actually enjoyed himself...who knows...maybe it's his future calling?!?!

It's always a party when the crew gets together. I love it. I think Marah was still traumatized from the big "Scoop" walking around:)