May 22, 2015


We sure our going to miss our first family home.  The time, energy, love, sweat, and support that went into making this our first home is amazing to look back at.  We are so lucky to have so many talented people in our family that transformed this house into a great place to raise our family.  With only a few more sleeps here we are hoping to make some more awesome memories.  It's hard to say goodbye but we are excited about what's next.  For the time being we'll be moving in with mom and dad until our duplex is done.  Once it's done, I'll be excited to post before and after pics of that transformation also.  We are excited about the new adventure.  June 1 will be the day we'll hand over the keys.  June 1 is Kevin's birthday, a great day to start a new adventure.


Before...believe it or not but a little work had already been done on the outside!

Let the new adventure begin.