December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas 2014.  How lucky we are to have the health, family, and friends we do.  Not to mention I have a new nephew and Tessa and Nolan have a new cousin!  Bastien, we love you so much.  We couldn't be happier for Bry and Edie.  It's pretty crazy how life works.  This year we gained a perfect little addition to the family at the same time as saying goodbye to two very special people.  It was a bittersweet Christmas this year missing some of our favorite people but how lucky are we to have two more very special angels watching over us.  It was some crazy days with many get togethers, and what fun it was.  Spending time together it what it's all about.  That is the best Christmas present of all.  Merry Christmas.

 It's never easy saying goodbye to Millie on Christmas Eve.  See you next year Millie, T and N love you so much :)

And this was her reaction to an awesome Christmas present from Santa! 

Getting ready for the holidays!

We love Christmas time.  Starting around Thanksgiving we dance around signing Christmas carols acting like goofballs.  That's what it's all about.  We've had a fun time leading up to the holidays.  So far the kids have stayed healthy (knock on wood).  The only thing we are bummed about is not having much snow yet but we did get one day of snow and Nolan and I built a pretty fun snowman.  I anticipate many more snowmen and hopefully a lot of sledding in the near future.

Tessaroo was so excited to see she made the news clip from a Thanksgiving news story that was taking place during our dinner.  Tessaroo, Grandpa, and Uncle Mikers :)  Thanks to Aunt Nancy we were able to turn on the news and catch a picture!

 Oh boy, we all love our Millie.

 Someone is excited to take a limo to the Nutcracker to see cousin Ella!  What a fun idea J and B!

 We got four out the top but couldn't quite get Mas out there.  But his hand made it! :)

 Mitchell is such a good cousin.  He's always letting Nolan get his snuggle time.

Christmas Concerts 2014

Christmas concerts are always such a fun way to start the holidays.  The kids start singing their songs months in advance around the house to prepare for the big performance.  They were both so excited and loved every second of it.  So proud of them for getting up on that big stage for their performances!  Tessa - 2nd Grade and Nolan - 4K :)