June 26, 2013

Princess Tessa and Princess Marah

Our first full day in Disney the girls were transformed into princesses.  We headed to Downtown Disney where they girls were made into beautiful princesses and were sparkled with fairy dust :)  They were pretty excited and kind of nervous.  They were adorable in their dresses (thanks aunt Cinders and uncle Mikers!).  It was cute to watch both of them.  The amount of little girls coming and going was crazy but I'm glad we did it.  It was sooo hot out that the girls changed out of their dresses before heading to dinner.  They were so excited to get back home and show the boys how beautiful they looked.  The girls even got a chance to do a little hula hooping before heading to dinner.  It was hilarious!  While the girls were turning into princesses the boys went on their own adventure.  See the bottom picture below...glad I didn't know the details about their adventure until after the fact!

Yep, the boys went to Gatorland.  They LOVED it!  

Some pretty cool Disney characters :)

It sure was fun meeting some pretty cool characters.  We were lucky enough to meet Vidia and Tinkerbell, Merida, Pocahontas and Meeko, Donald Duck, and Mickey and Minnie.  The kids were super excited :)

Disney World July 2013

Disney World July 2013

I had no idea how to even begin picking pictures to put on here.  When I looked back at the pictures on my phone I noticed I took around 600 pictures.  600 pictures!?  Who needs 600 pictures?!  Well, I guess we do when we went on one of the best vacations we've ever been on.  Below pretty much summarizes the trip. I plan to do a separate post of the girls being transformed into princesses and a post of the characters that the kids met but otherwise this pretty much sums up our trip.  We did a lot, had a lot of fun, loved the house we stayed in, and enjoyed our time together.  It just isn't the same if we all had our own hotel rooms to go back to at night.  There is something special about just hanging out until bedtime and seeing each other right when we wake up.  Such a fun week...

Swimming before breakfast, I can't blame her!

 A quick snooze on our way to the beach the first full day we were there.  I love how Marah naps in the car :)

 First time being on a beach.  It was hot but the kids had a great time.  Tessa spent less time in the water than Nolan did but it wasn't until later that night that we noticed she broke out in a pretty nasty sun rash.  Luckily, it last two or three more days and it quickly improved.  Poor girl.

 Had to get a picture outside of Ron Jon's Surf Shop...one of dad's favorite stores!

 Oops...potty break :)

 Let the healthy suppers begin!

 Nothing is better than swimming with Grandpa.

 Magic Kingdom here we come.  First tram ride of the week.

 I'm pretty sure Edi was stuck between the girls all week long!

 We had to keep ourselves occupied while waiting for the rides.

 Even Derek loves carousel rides.

 Love this one.

 And this one too :)

 Waiting for the night parade that got canceled.  The girls loved watching the castle change colors.

 Boys will be boys...gotta love them :)

 At the aquarium in Clearwater where Winter the dolphin (from Dolphin Tale) lives.  The girls are holding his prosthetic tail.  If you've never seen the movie, please do.  It's a pretty neat movie.

 There's Winter!

 The hurricane simulator.
 Like father...

 Like daughter...

 Nothing quite cools you off like a red a blue snow cone.

Beach day #2...Bry, Ed, Mom, and Dad got the Meade camp all set up for us!

 Sun rash = swim shirt and sun hat!

 Nap time with uncle Bryan.

Man those two can make your heart melt.  Just like sisters, they love each other unconditionally and sometimes fight about the silliest things.  Cuties.

 Sunset at Clearwater.

 Animal Kingdom here we come!

 They can't get enough of Edi!  A quick snuggle anytime they can!

 Another ice cream break to cool off.

 Waiting for the Nemo musical, AWESOME and so worth the wait.

 One last air hockey game before bed the last night.

A special night for Tessa and Mitchell with mom and dad.  Here they are on their way to the Hoop-Doo-Dee Revue.  Tessa LOVED it!

 Here is the girl's princess room.  One last sleep before it's time to head home.

 Group shot with Grandma and Grandpa.

 Love dad's face on the Buzz Lightyear ride :)

Heading home on the plane.  Nolan is telling Giraffe all about the week and reassuring him that flying isn't scary.

What a week.  Here are the kids right when we got off the airplane.  Tired turkeys.

Snuggle fest when we got home.  What a fun week!