May 9, 2013

Snuggle Time :)

The time just continues to cruise on by, it's crazy!  I swear that one day it's January 1 and the next it's almost the middle of May.  Nolan and Tessa continue to change so much.  Tessa is going to be six in a few months and Nolan is heading towards four in September.  Dear time, please slow down.  Life is going by way too quickly!

About a week ago the kids were watching Madagascar 3 for a special movie night.  They are both so freaked out by the "bad girl" from the movie (as they both call her) so they snuggled the entire movie.  I have to be honest, I didn't think they would both last snuggling on the chair but they sure proved me wrong!  Most of the time they are pretty good buddies and really look out for each other :)

Nolan's starting to love getting his picture taken.  He's such a goofball.  He's getting so much fun, growing up way too fast, and turning into such a big boy.  Oh we love him to pieces.

Tessa just lost tooth #3!  What happened to my little Tessaroo!?  She'll be done with Kindergarten in one month and will be heading into 1st grade.  Her big accomplishment of the week...she's officially riding a two-wheeler and is sure proud of herself :)  We love her so much.  We are so proud of how much she loves school, how much she loves learning, and how she truly gets the most out of each day.  Sometimes I need to take a step back and learn from these little ones.  They sure show us what is important in life.