January 27, 2013

Tooth #2 for Tessa

Tooth #2 for Tessa!  For the last two days it has been hanging on by a thread.  At 1 o'clock in the morning last night she came and said that her tooth had fallen out.  She was so excited.  The first pic below was "operation tooth pull" last night that was unsuccessful.  She hasn't eaten much for the last two days because it was hard for her to shut her mouth without her tooth hurting.  She was pretty excited this morning to have a yummy breakfast without her teeth rubbing together.

Tessa also really wants to keep her tooth.  She decided that she'd write a letter to the tooth fairy to see if she'd leave it behind tonight when she comes.  I love that girl.  Each tooth that falls out just means that she is getting older and older...I'm not sure what I think about that!