October 22, 2012

Nolan's first "accident"

Nolan looks pretty happy considering what is actually under this head bandage!  He did handle it like a trooper and really isn't showing any signs that it's bothering him.  On Saturday Derek took Tessa and Nolan to visit his parents.  When he was leaving he was sprinting towards their door to leave.  Well, like most kids, Nolan only has two speeds, 0 mph or 100 mph.  So he was traveling 100 mph and ran right into the side of the door frame and hit is head on the metal piece that latches the door shut.  Derek didn't think it was too bad until they got home and it started to bleed.  After looking at it more closely...yep, we need to head to the doctor.  Luckily the clinic was going to be open for about two more minutes so we didn't have to head to urgent care.  He didn't need stitches, just the glue to put his two inch door frame wound back together.  I don't know now he doesn't have a headache, ouchie!  Nolie, slow down a bit buddy.  You don't have to sprint everywhere you go (even though it is great exercise :).