June 29, 2012

Little Ballerinas

Tessa and Marah have offically become ballerinas.  Tessa was sooo excited to find out that her and Marah would be in dance this summer.  The first picture below is Tessa walking upstairs to class.  Marah was a little more hesitant the first night but has done great since.  Last summer Tessa was still pretty scared to do things like this by herself.  She's become so independent and can't wait to go to dance each week.  Now we get to look forward to the cutie dance recital where they will dance at the high school PAC where Tessa had her Christmas concert last year.  It will be pretty darn cute to see her and Marah dancing on stage together :)

June 8, 2012

Kindergarten, here we come!

Last day of 4K for this girl.  We are so proud of you Tessa.  We love how much you love to learn, read, write, how inquisitive you are, how big your smile is every time you get on and off of the school bus (although I wish I was the one to see that smile everyday!), how the first thing you want to do when you get home is tear open your backpack and show me your school work, how much respect you give your teachers, how nicely you talk about your friends from school.  We can't wait to watch you turn into an individual as you officially head into kindergarten.  Keep working hard and keep smiling.  We love you and are so proud of you, you big 4K graduate :)

June 6, 2012


"Grandpa, do it again!"  Tessa and Nolan could have stood here all day while Grandpa did cannonballs.  Dad is such a trooper and really does do the best and biggest cannonballs.  I love the look on his face, he's so intense.  He's always taught us to put everything we've got into everything we do and I guess that includes cannonballs :)  I'm thinking there will be a few more cannonballs this summer! 

June 1, 2012

Let the summer fun begin!

I've been terrible about blogging lately because we need a new computer!  Hopefully once we take the time to get a new one I'll be better at updating more often.  The older the kids get, the more fun we have (if that's really possible!!) so I hope to get better at capturing the fun. 

We've sure been enjoying the nice weather this spring!  We've already gone to the lake a few different times and have already gone swimming in grandma and grandpa's pool.  It's sure going to be a fun summer.  Nolan is crazy madman in the pool.  Tessa will finally be taking some swimming lessons and if the timing works out we'll get Nolan into them too.  Nolan is a different ballgame around the pool so we'll have try to get him in lessons.  Tessa is much more timid as she tip-toes and prances around the pool.  She's getting really brave, but cautious, and loves swimming.  Nolan is all boy and wants to jump right in with no help, no matter how much water he drinks each time he goes in.  The little guy is going to be swimming around in no time.  I'm so happy that our kids love swimming as much as I do :)

Then there is the three M's (Mitch, Mas, Marah).  We can't get enough of them.  The five of these kiddos together is absolutely priceless!  They always have so much fun and every time we see them it's still as if we haven't seen them in years, they get sooooo excited.  It's so fun to see all of their different personalities shining through.  I'm thinking we'll be spending a little time with them this summer :)
Our first ferry ride of the season and definitely not the last!
Poor Mitchell can't go anywhere without Nolan, even if he tries to get away for some quiet fishing time :)