April 24, 2012

Family time :)

We've had a fun few weeks full of family!  We couldn't ask for anything more than spending time together.  What a special time it was this past weekend to meet baby Dylan.  What a sweetie!  Chad and Kristy - we are so glad you made the trip to WI for us to meet your princess, she's perfect.  I'm pretty sure we caught a few smiles from her too :)   

A few of the Mitchell cousins...so much fun.  Grandma would love to see us all together...

Tessa snuggling cutie-pie Kylee as she's slightly frightened of all the cameras that are snapping her picture.  Too cute not to post, sorry Melissa :)

 A group shot of another generation of the "Mitchell's".  Love it.  (Kylee still frightened but Tessa giving her a snuggle!!)

 Nolan spending time with two of his favorite things..Beau and the fourwheeler.

I'll let you be the judge.  I'm not sure who is having more fun, the kids or Uncle Bill!! :)  Thank you Uncle Bill for taking the kids around and around and around in the trailer.  They LOVED it.

 Before take off...

 A quick little pic of Tessa and Marah as they were playing with Will's gator.  Thanks for sharing your gator with all the kiddos Will!

 Nolan concentrating on driving carefully :)

 Grandma Grape and Nolan...cute.  Man I love our family, we sure are lucky.

Happy Easter 2012

Happy Easter 2012!  What a great time of year and what a nice day to get outside and enjoy the Easter egg hunt, fun day together as a family, yummy candy, and of course the Easter bunny (who was slightly creepy...).