February 4, 2012

Where did January go?

Where did the past month go? Wow, times cruises by. Nothing is really too new with us. Tessa and Nolan continue to change and grow up right in front of our eyes.

Tessa loves going to school and just loves learning. Hopefully that love for learning will stick with her. She asks so many questions about everything going on around her. This weekend I even got the big one..."Mommy, how does a baby come out of a belly?" Um what??...ask Grandma :) Great question honey, just not sure how to answer that one right now. She loves learning new things, she loves writing and practicing things she learns at school, she loves riding the school bus. We are so lucky that she loves every part about school.

Nolan is such a goofball. He talks so much and says the funniest things. I love when he says something that is funny and bursts out in a laugh attack. He loves doing things with Tessa and Tessa really enjoys helping him out. The new fun thing is to get into Tessa's bed for her to read him books. He loves being read to, especially when Tessa's the one reading.

We've been having a lot of fun lately. There hasn't been much snow this winter but we try to get out and go sledding every chance we get. Currently there is almost no snow so no sledding right now. I'm sure we'll get hit with another big snow before the winter is over. This winter has been unbelievable. Not much snow at all and the temps have been way above average. I love it :)

Starting in January we also began a new church adventure. We started attending a church in Madison. We really want to incorporate the whole aspect of "church" into our kids lives, we just weren't exactly sure what path we wanted to take. The first Sunday of January the four of us jumped in the car early in the morning and headed for Madison. We were heading to a church that we really didn't know much about. Well, it only took us one service to realize that we really liked what we were seeing and we loved the way we felt when we left. We needed a fresh start and boy did we find it. We are so excited about the church we have found and have been there every weekend since our first visit. Tessa LOVES going to the church school and Nolan is really adjusting too. We definitely consider ourselves to be lucky with finding such a neat, unique place to become a part of.

Happy February :)

Having fun sledding!

Reading a book right away in the morning with Tessa. What a great way to start the day :)