December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012.  It really was an extra special Christmas.  Tessa is really into everything about it and Nolan really had fun with it too (minus the whole Santa experience!).  There sure is something extra special about the magic that Christmas brings.  The look in Tessa and Nolan's eyes when we talk about Christmas is priceless. 

Mom made these little Santa Christmas countdowns that Tessa enjoyed doing every morning before school.  I took the picture a while ago, hence how many days are left. 

 Santa came last night, we must have been good this year!!

 Time to dig in!!

 Another one...

 And another one...

 Wowzers, another one!

The microphone has been a favorite.  The kids have been rocking out since the moment the mic was put together. 

We might have a little rock star on hand, oh boy.  Someone loves playing with the microphone and singing.  I need to get a video, it's too funny.  Especially when Tessa and Nolan are rocking out together!  Man I love those two.

Christmas Eve 2012

Christmas Eve, the beginning of the fun-filled two days of celebrations.  The thing I was excited about the most was surprising the kids with the Disney trip that will happen next summer.  Bry and Edie helped with the surprise too.  I don't think all of the kids really comprehend just how much fun it is going to be.  We'll all be staying in one big Disney house.  We had so much fun two years ago in Hayward all staying together in the house and I can only imagine that this will be even more fun. 

 Tessa was pretty excited to give Nolan the present that she bought for him at the school gift shop.  She was so proud of herself.  She had an explanation for everything that she purchased, it was pretty cute.  She bought Nolan a little fishing game because he loves fishing.  She bought Derek an ice scrapper because it will be snowing soon (and boy did it ever snow).  She got Grandma and Grandpa Meade two containers of play-doh, one purple and one pink, because the play-doh at their house is all mixed together.  And she got me pink slippers that look just like ones that she has.  She was so proud and I loved the explanation that she had for each item :)

 Christmas Eve morning, just about to head to Grandma and Grandpa's.

 At Grandma and Grandpa Meade's, getting ready for the fun!

A little snuggle-fest before the gift opening.

Hi Bry and Edie!!  Wish you could have joined us but Skype is the next best thing to having you with us.

Bry and Edie helped with the surprise.  All the kids opened up a calendar and Bry and Edie had the same calendar in SD.  Bry flipped though the months and pointed out June.  There was a big Mickey sticker on June 15, 2013.  Disney here we come!

It was a Disney themed Christmas.  Mickey, Minnie, princesses.  The kids are going to have so much fun!

The Mitchell Christmas is always so fun.  I didn't get many pics from the evening.  Santa decided to stop by on his trip to Lodi and you can see by Nolan's face he wasn't too excited.  He went CRAZY!  Tessa was pretty excited about him this year and was really brave to sit on his lap.  It took Nolan a while to settle down but he kept screaming, "I don't like him!"  Oh Nolie... :)

 On the way out Santa stopped to get his pic taken with Grandma Meade :)

 Tessa the helper busy handing out gifts to everyone from under the tree.

We were treated to some beautiful flute playing and piano playing by Ella and Mitchell.  I should have taken a picture down the hall as well so you could see how many people were watching.  Good job guys, we hope for the same concert next year!

December 5, 2012

Our first visit by the tooth fairy

Someone lost their first tooth yesterday!  Tessa was so excited.  We thought it was going to happen soon.  Yesterday when I came home from work she told me all about it because it happened at school..."and guess what mom?  It didn't even hurt at all!"  The tooth fairy made an appearance last night but that fairy is so quick and quiet that we never even saw her.  Tessa was pretty excited to wake up and have $2 in her tooth container.  When she realized that it was money she was very excited.  She screamed, " ONE DOLLAR!"  Then when she realized it was actually two dollars and she screamed, "TWO DOLLARS MOM.  WOW, ONE FOR ME AND ONE FOR NOLIE!"  Man I love that girl.

While we were getting ready for school this morning Tessa was explaining to Nolan what happened to her tooth.  She said it didn't turn into money, no that was the fairy paying her for the tooth.  They pay for the tooth so the tooth fairy can use the tooth to turn it into fairy dust.  I have a feeling the tooth fairy will be coming back soon with a few more wiggly teeth :)

November 25, 2012

UW Homecoming Parade

Love this pic of Tessa and Nolan.  Derek was gone for the night and the kids and I headed into Madison for the UW homecoming parade.  We had never gone and I didn't know what to expect but we thought it would be worth a try.  The kids LOVED it.  It was a super fun evening.  A very fun atmosphere and the kids are still talking about that night and the funny things that we saw at the parade.  So glad we went and I can definitely see this parade turning into a yearly tradition.

Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween 2012.  What a fun day and night.  It's definitely the most into it the kids have been yet.  Tessa was very excited to dress up for school.  They had a parade from the school down main street.  I wasn't able to take off of work since it was during the school day but Jess and Beau captured a picture of Tessa walking down the street.  She was pretty proud of herself :)  Thanks to Grandma Lane, Tessa and Marah were both matching cats.  The costumes were very cute...thanks Grandma Lane!
 Here's a pic of most of the group...missing Marah who had just taken a tumble :(

 Here's Tessa walking down the street for the Halloween Parade with her Kindergarten class.

 Tessa, Sadie, and Marah trick-or-treating.  Love these girls.

A quick stop by Grandma Grape on the trick-or-treat route.  She was very adorable handing out candy to all of the kids.  The kids loved showing her their costumes.

 The only pic I got of the princess cats.  Marah is blowing away in the wind :)

 Our little cow and cat just starting the night of trick-or-treating at Grandma and Grandpa's.

 Yep...Tessa's is the cat one.

 Nolan got into it after warming up a bit.  He was hesistant at first but ended up digging right in.

For workout on Halloween morning mom and I needed to create paper bag masks to wear.  Here they are...the smiley face won the best mask competition.  Nice work mom :)

October 22, 2012

Nolan's first "accident"

Nolan looks pretty happy considering what is actually under this head bandage!  He did handle it like a trooper and really isn't showing any signs that it's bothering him.  On Saturday Derek took Tessa and Nolan to visit his parents.  When he was leaving he was sprinting towards their door to leave.  Well, like most kids, Nolan only has two speeds, 0 mph or 100 mph.  So he was traveling 100 mph and ran right into the side of the door frame and hit is head on the metal piece that latches the door shut.  Derek didn't think it was too bad until they got home and it started to bleed.  After looking at it more closely...yep, we need to head to the doctor.  Luckily the clinic was going to be open for about two more minutes so we didn't have to head to urgent care.  He didn't need stitches, just the glue to put his two inch door frame wound back together.  I don't know now he doesn't have a headache, ouchie!  Nolie, slow down a bit buddy.  You don't have to sprint everywhere you go (even though it is great exercise :). 

September 19, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Nolan!

Happy 3rd birthday Nolan!  We love you so, so, so much and love the little guy you are growing up to be.  Thinking back three years ago today tugs at our hearts thinking of all the worrying that we did about you.  We can't imagine our life any other way and we are so thankful that everything turned out just as we had hoped.  Love you baby boy. 


 Love the first time I held him after being taken to the NICU...I'll never forget that.

Kindergarten here we come!

Tessa's in Kindergarten!  Here's her pic from the first day of school.  She was so excited, smiling from ear to ear.  I don't know what she was most excited about.  It was a toss up between riding the bus from daddy's school, riding with Brady, being in her classroom with her friends, recess, having hot lunch, meeting Mas after school to go to Jess, to finally see Mitchell at the end of the day to hear about how his day was, or to be reunited with Marah and Nolan after her first day not being at grandma's on a "Grandma Day".  Tessa is loving school.  We hope that her love for learning and that spark in her eye stays for the next twelve years of school. 


Back to Stephie's!

Here is pic of Tessa and Nolan the first day of daycare when summer break came to an end :(  We had such a great summer, soooo much fun.  It definitely makes it a lot easier to head back to work when the kids are this excited to head back to Stephie's.  Tessa was lucky enough to spend a few full days there before her year of kindergarten began.  We know how lucky we are to have such special people in our life caring for our kids while we are away at work.  Stephie...we are ready to come back to you but the real question is, are you ready for us?!?

August 27, 2012

Tessa's first dance recital

Tessa's first dance recital!  She's been in dance since July and has looked forward to this day since she first started.  I can't blame her...look at that glitter and sparkles on that costume!!  They had a rehearsal on Saturday and the show was on Sunday.  She showed no signs of being nervous, only pure excitement.  All the girls were so cute and it was very fun to watch.  Miss Erica put on a great show and we are so lucky that she shared her talent with us.  Tessa looked forward to going to dance every week to see her friends and to see Miss Erica.  I don't think it's the end of being on stage for Miss Tessaroo.  She LOVES getting up there in front of people.  She must get that from her daddy.  The thought of that makes be stomach turn upside down!  Videos to come after we load them on the computer.  It was pure cuteness.

 Marah and Tessa on rehearsal day.  Both girls were super excited and loved being all dressed up.

 Alright, here they go to the stage. 

Tessa doing her new little head tilt and Miss Marah showing her little attitude that she's ready to conquer this dance.

 Tessa and Addison...another reason she was so excited to get to dance every week :)

 Here they come...

 Wish I could have gotten more pics but here she is with her props...the towel :)

Here she is loving this new thing called "dance".  Vickie made Tessa and Marah these adorable dance bags.  Tessa LOVES her :)