April 16, 2011

We sure are ready for the spring weather. We had a few days that were just perfect outside and now the chilly weather has returned. Soon enough spring will be here and before we know it summer will be here. This year has gone by SOOOO quickly. Every year goes by faster and faster and this year is definitely in the record book for the fastest. It's unbelievable. I'm not really sure why. Because we are older? Because we are busier? I need to figure it out so I can slow time down just a bit.

When Tessa was a baby she was a super picky eater. Nolan is the complete opposite. You can give him anything and he'll eat it up faster than you can cut it up. He's starting to be funny where he likes certain foods more than others. He LOVES lasagna. A few weeks ago we made lasagna and when he was done he was so mad. He quickly stopped screaming when he realized that there was a little bit left but he just had to lick the bowl to get the rest. It was quite funny and he was so proud of himself. So the new thing is when he finishes his food and can't get anymore with his spoon or fork, he just licks it clean.

We had good weather for a few days so we were able to sneak back out to the park. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time at the park this summer!

Tessa's first trip to the dentist

Tessa was so excited. We called to make her appointment back in November but they had to schedule us out about four months. As soon as she knew that I scheduled her appt in November she asked if today was the today nearly every day. Four months later, sure enough it was finally the big day. She did great. They did everything to her that they did to me for my appt that was earlier that day. She was such a trooper but was bummed when it was over. When we were leaving she said that she can't wait to go back. She does have a little underbite but at this time it's nothing that they are too concerned about and nothing that they could do anything about anyways. The dentist, aka Addison's daddy, said there is a chance that when her permanent teeth come in that it will correct itself. That's what we are hoping for :)

Tessa watching a little Bubble Guppies while getting her teeth cleaned. A new favorite show:)