November 29, 2010

Nolan is starting to walk!

Soon he'll be off to the races on his feet but for now he's moving nice and slow. He started taking quite a few steps on Thanksgiving Day. He gets so proud of himself and concentrates so hard at walking. He's getting to be such a big boy. Tessa is so proud too. Every time he starts to walk around the house Tessa shouts out, "Mommy, Noly's walking!" (Noly - Nolan's nickname) Tessa is so proud of little Noly.

November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

What a great weekend. We were able to spend the weekend with friends, family, each other, and of course Tessa and Nolan. I was lucky enough to have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off of work and Derek was lucky to have Thursday and Friday off of work, which made it an extra long weekend. Fun! Wednesday night we spent with our friends, Thursday we spent with our family for Thanksgiving and then came Friday.

"Jess, I don't think I can go shopping super early on black Friday. Stores are opening too early. Let's just do the normal. I'll pick you up around 5:00." That is about how the conversation went until two minutes later when Jess and I chatted again. "How about I'll pick you up at 3am. I want to see the crazy people running through the store to get that early bird special." So I picked her up at 3:15am and went to mom's so she could follow us into Madison. First stop...Target. Why Target? You'd think that it was for the TVs, cameras, or phones...but nope, it was for the pj's for Mitchell's pajama pals. What a deal Jessie got. I actually shopped for some necessities at Target (diapers, lotion, make up) and those aisles didn't seem to be too busy so it worked out great. Then off to Kohl's and the mall. What a fun day! I think I could have come home before the kids were even up but we made it until lunch time where we had a yummy lunch with my Grandma and dad.

Friday night we headed to Mikey's to celebrate his birthday, Saturday I went to the Badger game (GO BADGERS!!!) with Brenda, Derek went to the game with my dad, and the kids had a fun day with their babysitter. Today we went to get our Christmas tree and set the tree up. I love putting the tree up! It's crazy to think that December is almost here. We are really looking forward to Christmas for many reasons but we are really looking forward to Bry coming home. It's always so fun to have him home.

I've been bad about pics lately so here are a few from the past few weeks.

Look...I used to be that small!

Surprise! Happy Birthday Cindy!

The gorgeous bartenders that gave my husband too much to drink that night...oh wait, the beer was self-serve...

November 17, 2010

"'s time for a bath!"

I didn't get the best video of this but Nolan gets SOOOO excited for bath time. The moment he hears the water start running in the bathtub he goes crazy. He still hasn't started walking but there is no need to walk when he crawls as fast as he does. All we have to say is, "Nolan it's time for a bath!" and he begins to crawl 100 mph and screech repeatedly until we place him in the bath. He then screeches the moment we take him out because he is so mad that he's done playing in the water. What a silly little guy who is already getting such a big personality.